Well, it’s the end of a successful fishing season for the Weejack. The spring started out with real good fluke fishing. The bass got here on time and was pretty good at the beginning, then not so good for a week or two.

At the end of June, the BIG fish came, it was insane fishing on bait till the end of July. Fluking continued be good, with allot C-bass mixed in. The rest of the summer the fishing was good with plenty of bass and fuke to keep customers happy. What was crazy this year was the amount of  c-bass around, and very nice size ones.

The sharking was good with plenty of bites, and quite a few small makos. Going into the fall, the bass fishing really took a turn for the worst. But the bottom fishing was lock and load with plenty of BIG c-bass and plenty of jumbo porgys. Black fishing was very good with a lot of cod mixed in, but the wind in November just seemed to never stop. So thats pretty much a rap up of the season, Good fishing, great customers and pretty good weather{except Nov.}.

Want to thank all my customers for sailing on the Weejack,and hope to see everybody next year. Have a happy healthy holiday and new year.

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